Tiếng Việt

Vietnam visa

Updates: 28/05/2019
Views : 1416

Visas are exempted for the citizens of the countries listed below:
– Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia and Laos, Kyrgyzstan  (30 day visa).
– Brunei, Myanmar (14 day visa).
– Philippines (21 day visa).
– Japan, South Korea, Sweden, Norway, Russia, Denmark, Finland, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain &  Belarus   (15 day visa) -  This visa waiver is valid until 30 June 2020.
– Chilean holders of ordinary passports with a validity of at least six months are subject to a visa-free stay in Vietnam shorter than 90 days.
– Citizens of China, Cuba and North Korea holding normal passports endorsed “for public affairs” do not require a visa for Vietnam.
– APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) Holders from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies are exempted to stay within 60 days without visa.

Note: Required to hold a passport valid for at least 6 months on arrival and also must make 30 day pause between two arrivals.

Visitors to Vietnam require a visa to enter the country.

Types of tourist visa: one month/ three month single entry, one month/ three month multiple entry
1/  Visa is stamped in advance by Vietnam Embassy/ Consulate in the country where you stay or stay nearby
2/ Visa is stamped on arrival an approval (an approval letter is required)

Required documents
- A copy of passport (be valid for six month beyond the date of entry)
For citizens from some countries, such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, etc., please contact us for further support and advise
3/  E-visa: through the website https://evisa.xuatnhapcanh.gov.vn/en_US/trang-chu-ttdt
An electronic visa (E-visa) is one of visa types issued to foreigners by Vietnamese Immigration Department visa electronic system. Vietnam E-visa is valid for maximum of 30 days, single entry.
Outside Vietnam foreigners who want to enter Vietnam can personally apply for E-visa or through the inviting/ guaranteeing agencies and organizations.
E-visa fee (25 USD) is paid via electronic payment gateway as prescribed by the Immigration Department. The fee will not be refunded in case the applicant is refused to grant e-visa.
Applicants are required to complete a form available on two separate websites (one in Vietnamese and the other in English) run by the Ministry of Public Security. It takes three working days for tourists to find out if their applications have been approved or not, according to the directive. Successful applicants will be able to print off their e-visas to present when they arrive.
Visitors can touch down at any of Vietnam’s eight international airports, including Tan Son Nhat in Ho Chi Minh City, NoiBai in Hanoi and Da Nang in the central region. Visitors can also arrive via land at 13 international border gates, and via sea at seven ports across the country.

Conditions for being granted e-visa:
– Outside Vietnam foreigners;
– Holding valid passport;
– Not falling into the cases of suspension from entry prescribed in Article 21 of Law on foreigners’ entry into, exit from, transit through, residence in Vietnam.

No. ICAO Nation
1 AND Andorra
2 ARG Argentina
3 ARM Armenia
4 AUS Australia
5 AUT Austria
6 AZE Azerbaijan
7 BLR Belarus
8 BEL Belgium
9 BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina
10 BRA Brazil
11 BRN Bruney
12 BGR Bulgaria
13 CAN Canada
14 CHL Chile
15 CHN China
– Including Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR passport holders
– Not apply to Chinese e-passport holders
16 COL Colombia
17 HRV Croatia
18 CUB Cuba
19 CYP Cyprus
20 CZE Czech Republic
21 DNK Denmark
22 EST Estonia
23 FJI Fiji
24 FIN Finland
25 FRA France
26 GEO Georgia
27 D Germany
28 GRC Greece
29 HUN Hungary
30 ISL Iceland
31 IND India
32 IRL Ireland
33 ITA Italy
34 JPN Japan
35 KAZ Kazakhstan
36 KOR Korea (South)
37 LVA Latvia
38 LIE Liechtenstein
39 LTU Lithuania
40 LUX Luxembourg
41 MKD Macedonia The former Yugoslav of
42 MLT Malta
43 MHL Marshall Islands
44 MEX Mexico
45 FSM Micronesia Federated States of
46 MDA Moldova
47 MCO Monaco
48 MNG Mongolia
49 MNE Montenegro
50 MMR Myanmar
51 NRU Nauru
52 NLD Netherland
53 NZL New Zealand
54 NOR Norway
55 PLW Palau
56 PAN Panama
57 PNG Papua New Guinea
58 PER Peru
59 PHL Philippines
60 POL Poland
61 PRT Portugal
62 QAT Qatar
63 ROU Romania
64 RUS Russia
65 WSM Samoa
66 SMR San Marino
67 SRB Serbia
68 SVK Slovakia
69 SVN Slovenia
70 SLB Solomon Islands
71 ESP Spain
72 SWE Sweden
73 CHE Switzerland
74 TLS Timor Leste
75 ARE United Arab Emirates
76 GBR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
77 USA United States of America
78 URY Uruguay
79 VUT Vanuatu
80 VEN Venezuela
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