Hau Giang Hotel is a 3-star hotel which located in the heart of Can Tho City’s Ninh Kieu. Hau Giang Hotel is the most ideal place for tourists and business traveler whenever coming to Can Tho. There are many kind of rooms, are equipped with all model, luxury amenities In European & Asian style. With decorative harmony cozy elegance will give you a warm feeling like being in your home.
Hau Giang Hotel is equipped with services for customers such as telephone, refrigerator water hot - cold, cable TV, internet wifi, floorboard, especially conference room seating for 120 participants,….serving breakfast on the sixth floor with professional service staff in hotels and catering.
It takes you only 5 minutes on foot to Ninh Kieu quay, fully satisfied to discover, to go shopping in the Night market. Hau Giang Hotel's editorial staffs are all professional, enthusiasm and full of hospitality.